Friday, November 9, 2018

Food for thought on education English & Français Nov 2018

In English

1. World Teacher Day Google Video

2. The Glossary of Education Reform is a comprehensive online resource that describes widely used school-improvement terms, concepts, and strategies.

 En Français

2. Article du journal de québec 

Des bulletins sans lettres ni pourcentages

3. L'indentité numérique, Commision scolaire de laval

4. ÉducArt est une invitation à découvrir la collection du Musée par des ressources pédagogiques en ligne, superbe platforme interactive.

Tech Tips November 2018 & Ed Tech Teacher Conference

This week, myself, Sylvain Decelles, Elisabeth Jean and Stephanie Lafortune went to the Ed Tech Teacher Summit in Boston. 

We compiled all the presentation links into a padlet to share with you. Elisabeth added also some sketchnotes she created of different sessions.

I am very happy that Elisabeth Jean co-presented with me at the conference on AR & VR in the classroom, here is a direct link to our presentation

One of the projects we presented was a small guided tour of Selwyn House in french produced by students, once you open it click the gear and turn on narration.

Pushed out Google Add-ons

You may have noticed some additional add-ons pushed out to your Chrome browser namely Talk & comment, Screencastify and Checkmark, instead of writting about each app, I made a a small tutorial video for each one.

October 2020 Tech Tips

  See the future, I always like sharing these hints at what the next 5-10 years could look like. Microsoft just showcased a video and it eve...