Thursday, November 21, 2013


This is a super cool tool in Google Docs that may change the whole way you do class work.

Its called Doctopus and here is a quick video of how to use it

By using this app in combination with Socrative, you can really make a huge difference in the way you teach, especially with technology.

By using Socrative, you can get your students to give you there name, and email as a quiz then collect the results in a spreadsheet. This will allow you to then go in Google Docs and use Doctopus. Make sure your students create google accounts using the same email they gave you.


Socrative is an excellent Quiz, Polling and Marking tool for students to learn and interact. The service is free and available on any device via the web site or even on iPads with the free teacher and student app.

Here is an intro video of how you easy it is to use.

Great Edu Tech Blog

I found a great blog by Jennifer Carey @TeacherJenCarey who was at the iPad summit that I have to share, she has done excellent work writing up notes from the conference and has great articles as well.

I would really like to highlight a post she made about IOS 7 features

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Social Media and Mobile Technology Count

Excellent count grid of social media interactions, mobile platform expansion and other facts happening right now. This is the best way to demonstrate the power of of social media and expansion of mobile technology. Also it will show how quickly the numbers can stack up.

inFORM - Interacting With a Dynamic Shape Display

Exciting new technology being developped by MIT and the Xbox Kinect sensor

Ressources Francophones pour le iPad

Mon collègue de travail Sylvain Decelles  ma recommandĂ© un lien de ressources francophone pour l'utilisation du iPad.

SAMR Model

At the iPad Summit in Boston, one of our keynotes was presented by 
Ruben R. Puentedura, Ph.D.

He is the developper of the SAMR model for adopting new technology in the classrooms
I have attached his presentation but I encourage people to check out some videos on the subject as well.

Curiosity Amplifiers

If your interested in seeing a brief overview of what we got to learn in Boston I have added a link

Twitter Fill in file

If you are looking at creating a twitter account for your students, you can use this fill-in twitter sheet to have students write their posts. The sheet has 140 squares and a place for their name.

Twitter Fill-in Form

Book Creator

Book Creator is an iPad app that allows you to create multimedia books and share them with easily. Its great for young kids and can really facilitate the creation of portfolio work.

Here is a small demo of Book Creator and how to use it.


This video will show you how to start your own blog easily with blogger.

In the options of blogger you can also setup comments from other users to be moderated meaning you need to approve them before they go online. You can also setup an Email address that will allow you to email new posts without using the website or app. This allows multiple teachers to post to a single class blog with ease.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Ed Tech iPad Summit Boston

I have just come back from a great conference in Boston hosted by Ed Tech Teacher, and as much as the sessions where great, making connections to really great educators was for me the best thing about this conference. I will be making a resume of the sessions I attended in the following few days so keep checking the blog.


This Blog will host a vast array of tips and tricks that will cover many subjects from classroom integration, to iPads, Windows and Mac.

October 2020 Tech Tips

  See the future, I always like sharing these hints at what the next 5-10 years could look like. Microsoft just showcased a video and it eve...