Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tech Tip December 2016

Here are some great tech tips

Screen Castify : A great screen recorder that saves directly to Google Drive to create tutorials or provide great feedback to students. The free version is limited to 10 minutes which should be more then enough for an evaluation or to do a small training video for flipped learning

Essay Metrics: Great Google sheets add-on for evaluating basic essay data like # of words, paragraphs, sentences, etc... very quickly. Also integrates with google classroom and drive. Demo and explanation

For fun but can be used for team building or design thinking exercices
Google Build with Lego https://www.buildwithchrome.com/ only works on Computer
as well as the Lego Serious Play method https://www.lego.com/en-us/seriousplay

Food For Thought videos

Human Population Through Time
It took 200,000 years for our human population to reach 1 billion—and only 200 years to reach 7 billion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUwmA3Q0_OE

The future of shopping in stores Amazon Go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrmMk1Myrxc

Gun Violence prevention but can be applied to many other subjects like suicide, bullying, great to share with students. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8syQeFtBKc

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tech Tips and ideas October 2016

Hi everyone,

Here are some tech tips and ideas

1.Google has some new features for Docs, Sheets and Slides as well as Google forms.
Create Actions on specific lines of text like upgraded comments. 
Intelligent Google form building, with predictive questions.

Check out this page for the new features.

2.Poster collection of Google tips available in english and french

3.For a few links concerning classroom and school design, 

-A podcast in french on Académie St-Anne (the old Queen of Angels) renovation and philosophy.

-Worlds most innovative schools

-Flexible seating and student centered learning

Some of you may have seen this video about taking school to court. Fro those who haven't its worth some food for thought.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Google Apps Training material

Since our school has made the jump to Gmail and the rest of the Google Apps suite, I made a slide deck to train our staff. I will be adding to this document over time with new tips and tricks both for my staff but for all of you as well.

I am also sharing it with anyone who wants it. In the slide deck is a bunch of videos as well, please notice that some videos are not mine and I have included credits and links to the creators.

Google Apps Training Slides Presentation

Monday, August 15, 2016

Réalité Virtuelle et 360 degrés

Un marché relativement nouveau, la réalité virtuelle a fait des grands pas de géant au cours des dernières années. Les grandes entreprises comme Google, Facebook, HTC, Microsoft et Sony ont tous commencé à faire une gros progrès dans cet direction .. La question est de savoir comment cette nouvelle technologie affecte l'éducation? 

Un des grands joueurs est Google et l'angle qu'ils ont choisi est une solution facile d'accès et pas cher. Google Cardboard qui est littéralement une boîte en carton pour votre téléphone qui vous permet d'accéder à des applications qui peuvent vous donner une vue unique à 360 degrés. Cette nouvelle application sera rejoint par Google Expeditions donnant un accès Google Street View aux musées, sites historiques, etc ... Google Cardboard est très facile à installer, ne nécessite que très peu d'investissement et peut être un énorme changeur de jeu pour l'éducation. Google a également ajouté à Youtube la capacité de montrer des vidéos 360 dans votre navigateur ou encore mieux à 360 degrés avec le Google Cartboard.

Youtube Vidéo 360

Je voulais aussi mentionner que vous pouvez créer des Photosphere est avec l' application mobile de Google , mais une fois que vous avez un photosphère vous pouvez utiliser un nouvel outil appelé Storysphere pour ajouter des clips audio. Imaginez la mise en place d' une salle d'art ou d'une bibliothèque avec des morceaux de l' art ou des livres dans un cercle, en faisant une photosphère et l' ajout d' audio des étudiants à des objets. Voici un exemple

Facebook (Oculust Rift) et HTC (VIVE) ont opté pour l'option plus en immersive et dispendieuse. Ils ont besoin d'un ordinateur puissant, des casques et des contrôleurs avancés. HTC VIVE est allé un peu plus loin et nous a donné Room Scaling, vous permettant de marcher autour de l'environnement et utilisé des contrôleurs tactiles, Oculust Rift va sortir avec ceux-ci bientôt. Cela permet à un nombre illimité de possibilités de découverte et de potentiel. Cette solution est coûteuse mais repousse les limites encore plus loin. Je sais que la vidéo pour Tilt Brush semble trop beau pour être vrai, mais je l'ai essayé et ses à peu près ce que vous voyez. Le grand avantage de l'un de ceux-ci est la possibilité pour les étudiants d'apprendre à programmer et créer leurs propres applications.

HTC Tilt Vive Brush

Vous pouvez également utiliser des caméras spécialisées comme le Theta S et le Nikon Keymission 360 (qui sortira en Octobre) pour filmer en 360 degrés et ajouter une perspective supplémentaire pour vos films.

Facebook fait aussi du ​​vidéo 360 mais il est actuellement basé seulement dans un navigateur.

Le plan de Sony est de faire une addition pour leur console playstation 4(Novembre 2016), ce qui serait pas trop concentrer pour des utilisations éducatives et probablement seulement pour les jeux. Microsoft travaille sur Hololens, son objectif principal est en fait la réalité augmentée qui est mettre des éléments virtuels sur le vrai monde. Le système peut également agir dans une réalité virtuelle complète. Hololens semble être une autre étape importante, mais est encore en développement et n'est pas disponible pour les consommateurs.

À mon école, nous avons maintenant une installation complète avec le HTC Vive et un packet de Google Cardboards, le plan est de continuer à explorer ce nouveau marché et que les élèves soient en mesure de filmer et de programmer pour ces plates-formes. Un excellent point de départ pour la programmation en VR est VR Dev school . Je vais vous donner des mise-à-jours sur ce sujet que nous continuons à progresser tout au long de l'année.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Virtual Reality and 360 degree

Virtual Reality

A relatively new market, Virtual Reality has jumped leaps and bounds in the last few years. Big companies like Google, Facebook, HTC, Microsoft and Sony have all begun to make a big pus.. The question is how does this new technology affect education?

One of the big players is Google and the angle they have chosen is cheaper and ease of access. Google Cardboard which is literally a cardboard box for your phone allows you access to apps that can give you a unique 360 degree view. This new app will be joined by Google Expeditions giving a google street view access to museums, historical sites, etc... Google cardboard is very easy to setup, requires very little investment and can be a huge game changer for education. Google has also added to Youtube the ability to experience 360 videos within your browser or even better in 360 degree with the Google Cardboard.

Youtube 360 Video

I also wanted to mention that you can create Photosphere's with Google's mobile app, but once you have a photosphere you can use a new tool called Storysphere to add audio clips. Imagine setting up an art room or library with pieces of of art or books in a circle, doing a photosphere and adding student audio to individual items. Here is an example

Facebook (Oculust Rift) and HTC (VIVE) have gone for the more in-depth, expensive option. They require a powerful computer, advanced headsets and controllers. HTC VIVE has gone a bit further and given us Room Scaling allowing you to walk around the environment and used touch controllers, Oculust Rift will be coming out with those soon. This allows an unlimited possibilities for discovery and potential. This solution is expensive but will push the limits even further. I know the video for Tilt Brush seems too good to be true but I have tried it and its pretty much what you see.

       HTC Vive Tilt Brush 

The big advantage of either of these is the possibility for students to learn to program and create their own apps. You can also use specialized cameras like the Theta S and the Nikon Keymission 360 (due out in October) to film in 360 degrees and add an extra perspective for movies and films.

Facebook has a limited 360 video but it is currently only browser based.

Sony's plan is to release an add-on for the playstation console (November 2016), which would be quite limited for educational purposes and probably only for gaming. Microsoft is working on Hololens, its main focus is actually Augmented Reality which is a twist on Virtual Reality, whereas Virtual items are placed on top of the real word, the system can also act in a complete Virtual Reality as well. Hololens looks to be another big step but is still in development and is not available to consumers.

At my school we now have a full setup with the HTC Vive and a bunch of Google Cardboards, the plan is to continue to explore this new market and have students be able to film and program for these platforms. A great starting point for programming in VR is VR Dev School. I will give an update on this subject as we continue to progress throughout the year.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Long time no see

I know I have not posted in a while, since my Daughter was born on May 2nd, I've been a bit busy but I have been working on a few things which I will share with you very soon.

Here is a teaser of what I am working on.

Friday, May 6, 2016

May 2016 Tech Tips

I had the pleasure of going to the Future Ready conference with Bill Bedard and Stéphanie Lafortune a few days before going on paternity leave. This conference gave me a few project ideas and tools but also some food for thought on our current education system and what could we do more not just for our students but also for ourselves. We got to see the documentary, Most Likely to Succeed which analyses the history of education as well as new models like High Tech High and how they relates to traditional views of education.

1. Google Slides Q&A, you can now collect questions from the class during your presentation with Google Slides new feature Q&A New Link 

2. Leafsnap: free ios app that allows you to take a photo of a leaf and identify the tree automatically http://leafsnap.com

3. icell : http://icell.hudsonalpha.org  you will have to download a small plugin but you get to see cells of plants, animals,etc... in 3D

4. Storymaps http://storymaps.arcgis.com/en/ create a story with maps and see other projects. You can sign-in using your google account

5.Mindmup or Coggle Collaborative mind mapping tools, have multiple users collaborate at the same time on a mind map and use your google account for easy access.

6. http://www.montrealenhistoires.com/home   free app for ios or android, dictated history for most landmarks in old Montreal as well as historic photos. Great for experiential learning experience and history class. English, French or even Spanish.

Monday, April 18, 2016

CAIS National Conference

I just attended the CAIS National Conference and two big subjects that came up in our discutions. The first was blended learning with mainly a keynote by Heather Staker that went over a bunch of different blended learning styles and techniques such as Flipped Classroom, Khan Academy, etc.... As well as a talk by Dr. Ruben Pientedura creator of the SAMR model, a technology integration technique http://www.hippasus.com/rrpweblog/archives/2014/06/29/LearningTechnologySAMRModel.pdf  which demonstrates the 4 levels of integration. The second big subject was Learning Environments here is a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt4NjXDuv0U&feature=youtu.be  from UCC that gave testimonials to the impact these environments have on teachers and students.  We also looked at Vittra School from Sweden, http://www.rosanbosch.com/en/project/vittra-school-telefonplan. 

Tech Tips April 2016

Ever wonder where all the data to run Google is stored, take a tour of just one of Google's Data Centers in 360 degree video with Google Chrome - 
Great little activity to show kids where just some of the data is stored for the internet

2-Do ink Green Screen for iPad
Great site with tutorials on how to use and do things you may have not thought of with Do ink Green Screen

Virtual Reality conference call with Holoportation
Microsft has a new device coming out called Hololens and it will allow for a fully augmented reality, the latest demo added a VR conference call

Google Classroom update - you can now poll the class quickly and easily to ask questions right from your class page

Thursday, March 17, 2016

March 2016 Tech tips

Just a few tips

1. Open-Sankore: Free alternative to Smartnote book, allows you to import many different file types and you can output as a video podcast your lesson. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0y9XvbZO7c 

2. Bio Human 3.0 - Free Chrome Extension to see the human body in multiple levels from the muscle systems to the nervous systems, organs and bones. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/human-30/meefjekipolcgabfgaclcpdkbghhmoah?hl=en 

IOS, iPhone, iPad Tips

1. Load Desktop version of Website on iPad and iPhone: In Safari, hold down the refresh button and choose Request Desktop Site

2. Bubble Level - Open the Compass app, flick to the side and turn your phone sideways to get a Bubble Leveler.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Clair 2016 Conference

I had the pleasure of attending the Clair 2016 conference this past weekend. Located in the Clair Village near Edmunston, New-Brunswick, le centre d'apprentisage du haut madawaska is a K-8 school that has in its mission statement, technology use to develop a students full potential. The conference is in french and gathers some of the best people in ed tech in the french community.

The conference runs from thursday night to saturday morning and has a mix of great presenters, meet and greets and seeing the students in their classrooms.

We had a great presentation by Benoit Petit on the need to go to Clair as well as professional development and how to combat change resistance.

The following day was spent in the classroom with students showing us their projects, classroom activities and the school live radio broadcast. The afternoon was an ignite session which is 5 presenters with 20 slides, 20 sec each timed, so each presentation was exactly 6:40min. We then had a presentation by Biz, from the group Loco Locass, about the importance of technology and french literature.

The following morning was a mix of very academic research analysis by Thérèse Laferrière
, professor at university of laval and Yves Doucet a math and science teacher who gave us his perspective of teaching in a truthful and funny manner.

The best part of the conference has to be the small community feeling as if you are invited in their home. Living a day with the students gives you a feeling of how this school has changed and evolved into a kind of beacon of hope for other educators who want to push the limits of education. I would like to thank Roberto Gauvin, Director, and the organizing committee, as well as the staff, students and residents who helped organized the event and I cannot wait to next year.

You can see the conferences and ignite sessions by following this link http://clair2016.wikispaces.com/Webdiffusion

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Article on myself and Selwyn House in Ludomag

I had the chance of being interviewed by Ninon Louise Lepage for Ludomag, a french education online magazine. Here is a link to the interview: http://www.ludovia.com/2016/01/jean-pierre-trest-votre-reve/

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 2016 Tech Tips

Here is your January 2016 Tech Tip

Historypins - Look up locations to see pieces of history, or take a historical tour of well know landmarks in time. Built with Google Maps as a back end, this simple navigation can show you images from the past layered on top of recent street views. http://www.historypin.org/en/

New-York Public Library Digital Collection of 672,186 items is free for everyone to use http://digitalcollections.nypl.org

Draftback - this cool extension will take any Google Doc and make a video out of all the edits. You can see the process of the building of the document, along with any big copy and paste sections, easily to view the thought process or plagiarism, its also a cool effect. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/draftback/nnajoiemfpldioamchanognpjmocgkbg 

Coggle - an online collaborative mind map tool, sort of like a shared inspiration. login using your Google account and to work collaboratively and keep track of who does what, have your students keep a specific color for the items they contribute. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/coggle-free-collaborative/hbcapocoafbfccjgdgammadkndakcfoi?hl=en-GB 

http://www.timer-tab.com/ - A Cool and simple Timer, Alarm and Stop watch, you can also under the setting gear, add a Youtube video to launch when the timer hits 0, I like the Final Countdown by Europe.

Opinion Casts - An iPad & iphone app that allows you to record, edit and publish podcasts with ease. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/opinion-podcasts-record-edit/id926260308?mt=8 

In honor of David Bowie, he is an cappella version of Under Pressure with another legend Freddie Mercury https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMQb9LCNGxs 

October 2020 Tech Tips

  See the future, I always like sharing these hints at what the next 5-10 years could look like. Microsoft just showcased a video and it eve...