Monday, January 29, 2018

January 2017 Tech Tips

I just came back from the Clair Conférence and I will have a write up done in the next few days,

I did want to write down a few tech tips,

Padlet a big update to Padlet has come out one noticeable feature is the addition of arrows allow for collaborative mind mapping not just with words but URLs, videos, images. Definetly worth checking out.

2. Kaizena Kaizena is a Google Docs add-ons that allows you to add not just comments
but Voice comments to pieces of work. You can reuse comments quickly and associate skills and tags. 
Once a student opens the doc file and has Kaizena installed, he can see and reply again with voice 
to your comments.

Augmented Reality inside our bodies, Virtuali-tees allow for a fun way of visualizing the inside of our bodies.

October 2020 Tech Tips

  See the future, I always like sharing these hints at what the next 5-10 years could look like. Microsoft just showcased a video and it eve...